How To Convert American Odds to Decimal

Positive Odds

Positive Odds (“+”): This conversion is performed by dividing the moneyline by 100 and adding 1.

Decimal = (Moneyline/100) +1


+100: (100/100) + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2.00
+235: (235/100) + 1 = 2.35 + 1 = 3.35

Negative Odds

Negative Odds (“-“): The conversion is performed by dividing -100 by the moneyline, then adding 1.

Decimal = (-100/Moneyline) + 1

-110: (100/110) +1 = 1 + 0.9091 = 1.9091
-152: (100/152) +1 = 1 + 0.6579 = 1.6579

Follow the links learn more about sports betting and betting odds conversion.

Skip the math and easily convert between odds types using Pinnacle’s odds converter.