Odds Conversion Formulas

Convert odds between American, Decimal, and Fractional format using simple odds conversion formulas. Or, skip the math and use the odds converter instead!

Decimal to Fractional

Remove 1 from the decimal and convert to a fraction, then reduce to simplest form:

(decimal-1) -> convert to fraction


1.75: 1.75 – 1 = .75 = 75/100 = 3/4
2.20: 2.20 – 1 = 1.20 = 120/100 = 6/5

Decimal to American

To convert a decimal of 2.00 or higher:

moneyline = (decimal – 1) *100


2.00: (2.00 – 1)*100 = 1*100 = +100
3.35: (3.35 – 1)*100 = 2.35*100 = +235

To convert a decimal of less than 2.00:

moneyline = (-100) / (decimal -1)


1.9091 : (-100)/(1.9091 – 1) = (-100)/(0.9091) = -109.99 = -110
1.6579 : (-100)/(1.6579 – 1) = (-100)/(0.6579) = -151.98 = -152

Fractional to American

Over 1/1: Convert Fraction to Decimal and multiply by 100.

Moneyline = (fraction value)*100


7/4: (7/4) * 100 = (1.40) * 100 = +140
6/5: (6/5) * 100 = (1.20) * 100 = +120

Under 1/1: divide -100 by the Fraction as a Decimal.

Moneyline = -100/(fraction value)


1/4: -100/(1/4) = -100/.25 = -400
1/10: -100/(1/10) = -100/.1 = -1000

Fractional to Decimal

Convert the fraction to a decimal and add one.


3/4: (3/4) + 1 = (.75) + 1 = 1.75
6/5: (6/5) + 1 = (1.20) + 1 = 2.20

American to Decimal

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and add 1.

decimal = (moneyline/100) +1


+100: (100/100) + 1 = 1 + 1 = 2.00
+235: (235/100) + 1 = 2.35 + 1 = 3.35

Negative Odds (“-“): Divide 100 by the moneyline, then add this value to 1.00.

decimal = (100/moneyline) + 1


-110: (100/110) +1 = 1 + 0.9091 = 1.9091
-152: (100/152) +1 = 1 + 0.6579 = 1.6579

American to Fractional

Positive Odds (“+”): Divide the moneyline by 100 and reduce to simplest form

(moneyline/100) -> simplest form


+120: (120/100) = 6/5
+250: (250/100) = 5/2

Negative Odds (“-“):  Divide 100 by the moneyline and reduce to simplest form

(100/moneyline) -> simplest form


-120: (100/120) = 5/6
-300: (100/300) = 1/3

Odds Converter

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Want to learn more? Read this full article on betting odds conversion.